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Web Changes
This is where we'll announce the most recent
additions to our web site. If you've visited us before and want to know what's
changed, take a look here first.
- Democracy in Lebanon
Establishes Internet Presence
- See the press release for more
Press Releases
These are the press releases we've issued
over the last year.
You may want to search for
topics by keyword.
Recent Media Coverage of Democracy in Lebanon
- Rice promotes democracy in Lebanon, The Arizona Republic,
Tuesday, July 26, 2005, by Anne Gearan.
See excerpt below:
"The new Lebanon is one that is democratic," Rice said. "The new Lebanon is
one that should be free of foreign influence. It is a Lebanon in which
Lebanese should make decisions for the Lebanese."
The Bush administration often cites Democracy in Lebanon as a refreshing
breeze of freedom in the region.
Read the whole article at:
- Bush Encourages Democracy in Lebanon, The
Washington Times, Wednesday, April 20, 2005, By James G. Lakely.
See excerpt below:
"I believe that a true, free society, one that self-governs, one that
listens to the people, will be a peaceful society -- not an angry society,
but a peaceful society," Mr. Bush said during an interview with the Lebanese
Broadcasting Company, which aired in that country in prime time last night.
"If that's the ultimate feeling of the people, the government -- if it's a
true democracy -- will reflect that."
Read the whole article at:
- Diaspora - De l’Europe aux États-Unis en passant par l’Amérique
latine, L'Orient le Jour, Samedi 05 Mars 2005.
See excerpt below:
Aux États-Unis, l’association Citizens for Democracy in Lebanon,
formée notamment de Libanais de la diaspora, est en train de faire
signer une pétition qu’elle compte présenter aux États membres du
Conseil de sécurité. Le texte appelle à désigner les assassins de
l’ancien Premier ministre Rafic Hariri et au retrait total des troupes
ainsi que des services de renseignements syriens du Liban avant
l’organisation d’élections législatives libres.
La pétition rend également hommage à l’armée libanaise qui a permis aux
Libanais de manifester à la place des Martyrs lundi dernier et propose
d’étendre la mission de la Finul jusqu’à la frontière libano-syrienne.
- President Bush Discusses Strengthening Social Security in New
Jersey, White House Press Release, March 04, 2005.
See excerpt below:
Lebanon is a democracy. Lebanon is a democracy, and we strongly support
that democracy. I was pleased that Crown Prince Abdallah of Saudi Arabia
sent the very same message. (Applause.) The world is beginning to speak with
one voice. We want Democracy in Lebanon to succeed ...
Read the whole speech at: