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4 Posts |
Posted - 08/23/2006 : 7:56:05 PM
…for the children A monument of peace; an oasis of love; a garden of angels! Rebuilding South Beirut: a call to build a “New Beirut” around a garden for children, victims of the 2006 Israeli aggression on Lebanon; the garden will be located where the “security square” used to be in the southern suburb and will house about 400 statues for children (one for each fallen child), a museum of innocence commemorating the war, and a children playground. Continued... Share your thoughts on the topic in this thread.
1 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2006 : 02:41:03 AM
This is a great idea but the most important thing is the parent's agreement. For me as a mom, i think that loosing a child is the most sad thing that could happen in a life. The parents should agree and be ready psychologically to see their dead child exposed as a statue. In my opinion, they need time to accept and resign to the death of their child, they need a period for crying and expressing all the hurt they feel. After that, they will think maybe of a monument they can visit for the memory.
Regards |
4 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2006 : 2:52:32 PM
Thank you Marianne for your feedback. I totally agree with you on the necessity of involving the parents. This is an absolute must. The idea is to begin the planning process around a specific theme; the implementation phase may take anywhere between 1 and 5 years. Whoever picks up the plan will have to coordinate the naming of the statues with the parents of the victims. Although the statues are real-life in size, they do not have to be a clear depiction of the fallen child. They can be a sculpture or an artisitic expression that symbolizes a child. What do you think? |
love and peace
4 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2006 : 3:36:32 PM
Hello I think the children garden is a nice idea as a whole although I have my own reservations about some details but what concerns me most is the idea of the statues to depict the children for 2 main reasons: 1-The artists that will sculpt the statutes will be subjective and we may end up with a large number of statues that does not actually represent the fallen children. 2-what about parents that refuse to have a statue for their child??? It is there right and no one can force them. I think it would be a better alternative to represent each child with something more universal and less debatable (may be stars, real trees, names carved on plaques...etc) something similar to the victims memorial in Oklahoma City in which each victim is represented by a chair. Love and Peace
4 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2006 : 4:06:01 PM
Hello "love" and thank you for your feedback. the points you raise are well taken. I think that part of the planning process will have to involve the parents of the killed children; particularly getting their approval on using their child's name. Beyond that I think all of us should be able to offer suggestions regarding the artistic depiction of this catastrophe. The kind of statues and sculptures I suggested were similar to the ones I have included in my article/blog. Again they are not meant to be an exact sculpture of the fallen child but rather an artistic representation, a monument. For the killed children whose parents do not wish their names to be included on a statue, I suggest having the statue without a child's name (or un-named) witha message of love and peace. Tell me what you think and thanks again for your feedback. |
39 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2006 : 7:39:38 PM
It is a great proposal Elie. I hope the folks in Lebanon are listening and reading. I wouldn't change a bit in it. It is our history and we have every right to write it the way we wish: on statues, in a garden, in a museum. Kudos!!! |
6 Posts |
Posted - 08/25/2006 : 12:44:00 PM
Your idea is so nice. Your sentences reflect the thoughts that are running in the minds of most Lebanese.
I am quite sure that 100% of Lebanese will accept your idea, but I am not sure if they will agree on the place.
It is right that we will rebuild, but that “security square” will return back a “security square” because even though we suffered a lot, I am not sure if we have learned anything from our suffering. We do not have yet a unified thought about the Lebanese issue and the necessity to make Lebanon our only concern and detach ourselves from the Mid East conflict or at least stop others from using our land to improve their international conditions.
If you can convince the "brothers in Hezbollah" to give up their dream of a Shiite state in Lebanon, then this project will see the light and we are all behind you.
33 Posts |
Posted - 08/25/2006 : 2:54:19 PM
I think the idea is great and the location is perfect. After all what used to be the security square is all destroyed. I do not think anyone here will object, except maybe a few radical elements of Hizballah. if this can be coordinated with the hiz leadership and the owners of the land, why there should be any opposition. if you need my support for this campaign, let me know. |
5 Posts |
Posted - 08/26/2006 : 12:20:50 AM
You all guys are on the right tracks, the idea is there, but I think it should represent a thought of the past, and also something that should never again happen in the future like a museum, a peace center, a conference and research center for improving the conditions of children all over the world.
Our kids should have never fallen for nothing, and a rebirth from our ruins should reflect on how good we are towards the youth of the univers, versus how bad our ennemies were towards us.
And it should read verses from the Bible from Deuteronomy 26, on how the " chosen people of God " should act towards their neighbors, the children and the widows !!!! |
16 Posts |
Posted - 08/26/2006 : 02:04:17 AM
I think that is a good idea. Thank you also for all the replies. As akhalife mentionned, it should not only represent a thought from the past but a look to the future. What we can build there is a big business and touristic attractions: a big convention center , a museum for Lebanon's history, a reasearch center and an open air museum telling the sad history of Lebanon since 1975. This will show a big contrast :What lebanese can do to each others when they behave like fools helping others using our lands to improve their international conditions versus what lebanese can do when they look altoghether to the future. Next to this a lebanese memorium for that have died for all lebanon ( dari7 al loubnani al majhoul) that should be visited by personalitis visiting lebanon. Next to this the children memorium, where every person visting Lebanon will have the opportunity to visit this place. The children memorim will always tell the lebanese that when you are divided only your children pay the price;Keep united.
Thank you again for that good idea; I hope the persons that will be taking the decision what to do there will have opened eyes, good ears and in intelligent mind. |
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